
Showing posts from 2019

How to Remove Odors from Yoga Clothes | Best Products to Absorb Body Odors

Yoga is great from the mind, body and spirit. And Magic by OdorXit is great for the nose. Just spray in the air, in the car, in the gym bag, even a few squirts under the arms will save the night! Get the convenient OdorXit Kit – a bottle of  OdorXit Concentrate  and a bottle of Magic both for one low price.

Is Yoga Class Rejuvenating but Afterwards the Smell is Debilitating?

Yoga is great from the mind, body and spirit. The relaxation, the time to regenerate your thoughts, your body, your spirit.  But the smell of the sweat of you stimulating your body is very unpleasant and beyond bearing. Then the ride home in the car stinks too. And the ride in the car the next morning is even worse if you haven’t removed all the sweaty clothes and shoes from the car. What can you do to get rid of that smell? How can you remove those odors from your yoga clothes Magic and Yoga Magic by OdorXit is great to beat those stinky odors. It absorbs the smells we call odors – body odor, foot odor. And what about washing those yoga clothes afterwards? Add an ounce of OdorXit Concentrate to the washing machine with your favorite laundry soap and wash as usual. You’ll be amazed at the difference! Get the convenient OdorXit Kit – a bottle of OdorXit Concentrate and a bottle of Magic both for one low price. Read more here

The Secret Sauce to Super Success with Your Odor Absorber

If you’re a pet owner you need an odor absorber. If you have a loved one who misses the target when they use the bathroom, you need an odor absorber. If you own rental property and your tenants have pets or health issues, you need an odor absorber. If you own or work in a day care center or nursing facility, if not today, tomorrow you will need an odor absorber.                                                                                    Urine is a stinky problem and you need solutions. Bladder Leakage, Incontinence, and Solving the Smell I have a tenant who is incontinent. He had bladder cancer, and although he is currently in remission, he still needs to urinate often. And when he feels the sensation to go – he must go immediately. Failure to urinate immediatel...

10 Tips for How to Remove Urine Smell from Carpet and Flooring

You just replaced the carpet in your home and now you’re ready to list it for sale. However, the pets have decorated the new carpet with an accident or two, you're so mad you’re ready to give them away. You may have to replace the carpet a second time, spending an unnecessary $10,000 or $15,000 before the house will ever be sold. Or perhaps you just bought a new house and didn’t notice the pet urine odor in the carpet from the previous owners. Either way, the carpet stinks! On humid summer days it stinks even worse. You can’t and won’t live with it smelling like this. Something must be done about the odor. A Solution You can replace the carpet for around $15,000.00. Or, you can spend $40 on a bottle of OdorXit Concentrate to permanently eliminate the urine odor without replacing the carpet. Sounds like an easy choice. But, will it work on my carpet? Oriental carpet Wall to wall carpet Throw rugs that will fit in the washing machine Area rugs ATTENTION: The OdorXi...

OdorXit: Best Way to Neutralize Cat Urine!

Cats are lovely animals. They are the best pets for home as the dog. While cats look so cute and nice to make them a pet. It feels good to play with the pets but it also feels bad when they peed on you or carpet or any place of your home. Are You Choosy But still Want to Find the Best Way to Neutralize Cat Urine Smell? When you have cats, you have cat urine. Hopefully, all your cats hit the litter box when they pee. But you never know. Cat wars, Territorial wars. Too many cats, New cats, Not enough cat litter boxes.   So many things can contribute to even the best cat parent still needing to know what the best way to neutralize cat urine is. You don’t like smelling your pee, cats don’t either.   Cats don’t like the smell of their urine and poo either. And there are lots of products to eliminate or neutralize cat urine smells that the cats don’t like the smell of the product. So they stop using the box. So what do you use? The best way to neutralize cat...

Three Tips to Neutralize Your Toughest Odors!

What do you consider a tough odor and how do you neutralize your toughest odors? Home Made or Over the Counter? Do you make your own homemade mixture? Buy Enzymes with a shelf life over the counter? Or do you buy something more powerful than your toughest odors?  It does depend on what you are calling a tough odor because the chemical composition of different odors is different. So different odors may take different measures to get rid of the smell. If you’re calling cat urine a tough odor, we think you’re right! It’s really stinky and the only product we recommend is OdorXit Concentrate.     1. OdorXit Concentrate for any type of urine smells. It eliminates any kind of urine smell– cat, dog, mice, squirrel, elephants at the zoo or even people urine odor.     When you want the odor gone forever OdorXit Concentrate is the best one to choose. Just mix four ounces of OdorXit Concentrate to one gallon of water. Spray or saturate everywhere ...

Is Eliminating Dead Rodent Odors Costing You - Yet it Still Stinks?

Every fall in the midwest, the leaves change color, the night air gets cooler, it becomes jacket weather and mice come inside your house to stay warm. You put out poison to control their ever-growing families in your house. Then you have to find a dead rodent odor eliminator to get rid of the smells after using the poison to kill the mice. You know this is going to happen. You know mice will be in your house and you'll hate it. You know the other products you've tried don't work - that's why you're here. So get Magic by OdorXit NOW! Any crack can be a doorway The mice can get in through any small crevice in your stone or wood foundation. They don’t need much space. Their slippery little bodies can fit through almost anywhere and if they don’t fit, they will eat their way through. They don’t seem to mind the dustiness of drywall or plywood. Their teeth must be pretty strong too to bite through that wood. Then I set out poison under the sink and hope they di...

Does your Bathroom Smell Like the Camp Grounds Latrine?

Are you using perfumes and cover-ups as an odor eliminator spray? Do you find that sometimes the smell you wanted to eliminate is only worse? Don’t add another scent to eliminate your smells. Neutralize your smells naturally and leave your air smelling fresh and clean! When you spray Magic by OdorXit your bathroom will smell fresh and clean. It will smell like no camper ever sat there! Magic is a fine mist spray that eliminates your odors without leaving another scent in its place. Just Spray and Walk Away It’s the best pet odor eliminator , pet and people body odors, baby diaper odors, gases in the bathroom, even litter boxes and smoke on ya’ odor eliminator AVAILABLE. There is a reason why they call it Magic, ya’ know!

How Do I Get Rid of Bad Odors in My House?

There are so many products on the market today that promise to get rid of all of your bad odor and many do…for hours at a time. To determine what is right for your specific odor, we have lots of questions to determine how to get rid of bad odors in your house. 1. First, do you want a cover-up of your bad odors - fragrances or foo foo smells or do you want to know how to get rid of the offensive odors in your house permanently? 2. Secondly, depending on what bad odor is in your house that makes you embarrassed when guests arrive or turns your own stomach - will depend on the product you need. Most products can't get rid of all odors just because of chemistry and where the odor might be located. Even at OdorXit we have 4 different products to get rid of different odors depending on their chemical makeup. Add oxygen and eliminate! Mold and mildew and smoke, even dust mites, body odor and burned food smells can all be oxidized. That means add oxygen to eliminate. So ...

How to Remove Mice Odor in your RV or House Ducts

Are you finding dead mice and mice pee in your furnace duct work in your house, car or RV? It’s warm there and the mice like it! They live, have babies, and die there. So it could be stinky. And you’ll need a little different set up that just spraying an odor eliminator there. It feels very awkward if we find and dead mice smell. You can't stay at that place until is has been removed from that place. OdorXit Concentrate can do it but how do you get the spray to all the urine and decaying bodies to get rid of the mice pee smell in your ducts or air vents? It will take a little ingenuity but it can be done! Here’s our Odor Wizard’s prescribed method. Here’s what you need to eliminate dead rodent odor in your vents or ducts: 1 or ½ gallon pump sprayer with a 2-3’ long applicator wand 5/16” or 3/8” diameter wand for additional length Plastic compression fitting to hold the wand in place in the control handle Nylon tubing about 10 feet long – the length of the duct wor...

Discover-How to Get Musty Smells Out of Furniture

Are musty smells in your house making your furniture and clothes STINK? When you don't wash your clothes or furniture or when it keeps on stock then at a time it's started stinking. No one likes that type of smell. Then you have to call the housekeepers to clean those things. Stop holding your breath and hating being in your own home! Discover how to get rid of musty smells on your furniture and other belongings now! Do you shop at yard sales or auctions like I do and often need to know how to get the musty smell off of furniture, records or books or you won’t take them home? It’s a great deal. It’s an unusual piece, you really want it, but boy does it stink! Have you ever bought a vintage piece of furniture, brought it home thinking you did know how to get rid of that musty smell, tobacco smoke smells or even dog body odor only to find what you thought you knew didn’t work? The odor didn’t stay away? Here are four methods we found on the internet to get the musty ...

OdorXit Concentrate | Neutralize Toughest Odors | Natural Odor Eliminator

Odor X it  Eliminator  •  Ready to Use & Concentrate Eliminates odor, no cover-up Simple to use. Spray OdorXit Eliminator onto the odor source Contains only water-soluble plant extracts and derivatives Eliminate odors with no harsh fumes or chemicals, no fragrances Eliminates odors while being gentle on skin and fur, non-irritant Natural odor eliminator for  urine, feces and vomit   safely for all household surfaces from  fabrics to dry cleaning to concrete, hardwood, and tile. WE CARE    Never a cover-up • All natural essential oils recipe  DID YOU  KNOW  Non-toxic • Non-Irritant • No Fragrances Shop Now:   Best Selling Cleaning Products Like, follow and subscribe us on:- Facebook :  Instagram:   YouTube:

OdorXit Odor Eliminating Products | Discount on all OdorXit Products

Get 15% Discount on all OdorXit Products. Use Code: DISCOUNT15 Purchase the best odor elimination products on the planet. 1. Absorbs smoke odor in the air or in your #hair or #clothing, #bathroom odors, #diapers, diaper pail odors, #litter box, and #potty odor. 2. Natural odor eliminator for #urine, #feces, and #vomit safe for all household surfaces from fabrics to dry cleaning to #concrete, #hardwood, and #tile. 3.  Natural odor eliminator which is safe when used as directed around #pets, #babies, and the planet to oxidize odors that can be oxidized like #mold odors, #mildew, #smoke and more. Shop Now:   Best Selling Cleaning Products #Discount #DiscountSale #Offer #OfferSale #Household #DiscountedHouseholdProducts Like, follow and subscribe us on:-  Facebook :  Instagram:   YouTube:  

Dog Body Odor | How to Get Rid of Body Odor | Body Odor Removal

Absorbs Odors Anywhere Without Using Fragrances. Does your Dog have body Odor two days after a bath? Get Magic by OdorXit. Magic, Freshly Scented absorbs and neutralizes odors in the air or on the go. Magic is a clear, nearly odorless liquid that absorbs smells good (perfume) or bad (poo) like a sponge for up to two weeks. And like a sponge, when it becomes saturated it stops working. Read here to know the complete information about How to use OdorXit Magic Product #Dogs #Dogcare #PetCare #Petsmellremoval #animalodorremoval #bodyodorremove #bodyodor Thanks,  Deb McMillan Meyer

Do you Need a Pet Cleaner for Accidents in your Home or Office?

When you own a pet for your office or home then you have to take care of them very much. For a new pet, you have to train them for potty and urine. Before your new pet is totally potty trained, dog or cat, you’re going to need a pet cleaner. And even if your new pet is a different four-legged friend, bunny, hamster even ferrets, you’re going to need a cleaner for the floor or wherever you keep your pet. Whether it’s concrete, carpet, tile or linoleum you’ll be looking for something to clean up after your pet soon. Wouldn’t you agree? There are those who say their dog never has accidents in the house. But typically the experts say to not start potty training a puppy until he’s 12 weeks old. There could be a lot of pets accidents cleaning needed before that time! And just mistakes baby animals to make until they learn differently. Even using papers for the puppies to pee on or puppy pads don’t totally protect the floor. Most stories I hear say the dog puts his face over the puppy...

How to Remove Smoke Smell from CAR

How do you remove smoke smell from your life? It’s time to sell your car. You want top dollar for the sale. It’s in good condition, the engine runs great, and the outside shines up really nice. But to get top dollar you must know how to remove the stinky smoke smell from your car or it just won’t sell. You’ve tried vacuuming the interior. You’ve tried washing the interior. You’ve tried fragrances and enzymes. And still, you need to know how to successfully remove smoke smell because the car still stinks. A non-smoker would be driving down the road with their head out the window it smells so strong. I have a friend whose son and his girlfriend both smoked a lot. They both have health problems and shouldn’t be smoking but that’s another story. The real problem is that their 9 year old son visits my friend and all his clothes smell like smoke too. His backpack, his shoes, his clothes are all covered with smoke smell just from being in the house where the two of them smoke. The ...