How Do I Get Rid of Bad Odors in My House?
1. First, do you want a cover-up of your bad odors - fragrances or foo foo smells or do you want to know how to get rid of the offensive odors in your house permanently?
2. Secondly, depending on what bad odor is in your house that makes you embarrassed when guests arrive or turns your own stomach - will depend on the product you need. Most products can't get rid of all odors just because of chemistry and where the odor might be located. Even at OdorXit we have 4 different products to get rid of different odors depending on their chemical makeup.
Add oxygen and eliminate!
Add oxygen and eliminate!
Mold and mildew and smoke, even dust mites, body odor and burned food smells can all be oxidized. That means add oxygen to eliminate. So the AQM - Air Quality Manger product by OdorXit or the MOMS - Mold Odor Mildew Smoke - is the product to get rid of those odors. And the smoke smell, burned food odor even mold or mildew won't come back.
Is the bad odor in your house the smell of last night's dinner?

Check out our picture chart and see which odor eliminator product you need for your tough odor. If the odor chart doesn't have your specific odor, call our toll free help line. We probably can still you're your odor gone like the wind!
OdorXit is the only products you'll ever need!
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