How to remove smoke smell from your house or apartment without getting rid of the dog!

You’re not a smoker. And the apartment complex swears the previous residents were not smokers so it can’t possibly be cigarette smoke that they smell! The Property Manager even drops by to “smell” the smell and they smell nothing.

What can you do?

Is there really smoke smell in your apartment and nobody wants to pull up the carpet to remove the smoke smell or even pull up a carpet if it were dog urine smell? With no cigarette smokers or pets, the real question is how did it get there in the first place?
Is there anything you can do about the smell if nobody else can smell it?

You’ve used plug-ins and candles trying to at least cover up the smell. You meet your best friend the next day. She gives you a big hug then says “You still smell like smoke!”

How do you get rid of the smoke smell?

The apartment complex gave me a call – odor expert and odor wizard that I am – and ask me to check it out. What were they missing?

I went to the apartment and was overwhelmed by the smell of candles and perfumes from the plug-ins. I couldn’t smell anything else.

The resident took me outside to smell some of the items that people at her work said smelled like smoke. I still couldn’t smell anything.

We looked around for mold or mildew but she said her friends kept saying they smelled smoke. I still smelled nothing.

I had put out a couple of AQM – Air Quality Manager - packets. They will get rid of mold or smoke smell if that is the problem.  I told her to put away all the candles and the plug-ins.

The air conditioner was on and it made the unit pretty cold. In fact, it was cold enough to cause condensation inside because it was so hot outside. That’s why I thought about mold or mildew. When condensation doesn’t dry fast enough it creates mold or mildew. But that wasn’t the smell her coworkers smelled.

Pull Up the Carpet to Get Rid of the Smoke Smell? 

Read the complete blog here


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